• 09/01/2020
  • Comunicación, RRHH

14/08-father’s day Video


Video of the day:

Father’s day video-2016

As mother’s day, father’s day is one of the most prestigious dates in the world and in particular in Brazil. However, little is said about the source of the data.

The United States was the country in which the date had worldwide repercussions, from the early 20th century. The day was chosen from the suggestion of a lady named Sonora Louis Dodd, who wanted to honor his father, on 19 June 1910.

In Brazil, parents ‘ day was celebrated for the first time only in 1953, on 16 August. Contrary to what occurred in the USA, this date was not thought of as a form of tribute site and simple, which spread after, without planning. In fact, she was thought by a publicist called Sylvio Bhering, at the time Director of the O Globo newspaper and radio.

The goal of social as was so commercial Bhering. The initial attempt was to link the date to day of São Joaquim, father of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated on August 16, in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, since the brazilian population was predominantly composed of Catholics. However, in the years following, the date also was moved to a Sunday, the second Sunday of the month of August – and so remains today.

If you want to see some ideas of how to celebrate parents ‘ day at your company, and cases of other companies for that date read our special post HERE.
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