• 10/01/2020
  • Comunicación, RRHH

T minus 5 days for Locaweb

T minus 5 days for Locaweb

There are only five days to the event that has become a reference in Brazil. That’s right, I’m talking about the 18th Meeting of Internet professionals that Powerball will happen day June 22 in Central Fecomercio. Noting that the event aims to bring quality content Internet professionals and entrepreneurs of important Brazilian capitals.

Second site of the event, the large membership and support of great companies prove the positive outcome of this event.

If you’re tuned and want to hear lectures by experts like, Ana Paula Kist, Alvine Amaro, André Siqueira and more than 20 specialists. With the B2 you get 50% discount in value. Just click on the link of the event and at the time of purchase enter the discount code PRCB2MIDIA

 Learn more about the event

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