• 09/01/2020
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Everything your business needs to know about Generation Y, X and Z

Everything your business needs to know about Generation Y, X and Z


Everything your business needs to know about Generation Y, X and Z

It is a fact that the world changes constantly, what influence on human behavior and in companies. Along with these developments were born generations: Baby Boomers (those born in the 40/50); Generation X (the 60/80), generation Y (born after the Decade of 80) and generation Z (born after 1995). The conflict of these generations, especially the generations X, Y and Z, are increasingly interfering in the corporate world and many companies don’t know how to prepare to receive increasingly demanding professionals.

On the other hand, it is possible to affirm that the professional profile is not always related to the decade that the person is born. An example is the production engineer Anderson Pimentel, that even born in 1985, believes that success is related to stability, which is a characteristic of generation X. “I believe I am in next generation plan to my professional career, in a company only, start from the bottom and go growing, don’t like to take chances,” he said smiling. That is, the professional position will depend on a lot of culture, scenery and the characteristics of each individual.

For the Coach, entrepreneur, writer and lecturer, Jacques Grinberg, generation Y brings a distinctive characteristic, are people who seek change for a better world with focus on quality of life and equalities. “In general, companies can expect professionals with initiative and pro activity, but also want feedback from your ideas. Employees who change companies with ease in search of new challenges and want recognition, “says Jacques Grinberg.

Some people consider this rebellious generation, but for others, are keystones to the innovation of new products or services. According to psychologist Rogério Barros Tamilarasan, a developer of generation Y because of constant way to information. It is a multifunctional generation that is born that is connected to the internet. “This professional companies can expect difference and desire to do. It seems that everything in this world needs to be a show and that’s exactly what an employee of generation Y. The Pro of this generation can be the dissimilarity that makes a difference in any company, “says Tamilan.

Thus, a dangerous conflict, generation X employees fear losing their jobs for the next generation. The Coach Jacques Grinberg, points out also that managers are not prepared to manage and lead young professionals with initiative and want more than the salary. “It’s a big challenge, but it is important that the changes start from the top, by the Board, for example. These changes don’t have a generation Y on the Board, but have managers prepared to lead them. The secret is in the management “, emphasises.

To retain this type of employee managers need to assess each employee individually, train and motivate each with their characteristics and needs. “It’s like a family with three children, parents may not want to educate everyone in the same way – each one has their own style and their dreams. Choose different courses and different professions and everybody gets a certain way, the same care and dedication of their parents “, concludes Grinberg.


“I’m not your man, you’re my client”

Wallet sign, CLT, vacation, 13th salary … This is a thing of the past. This is the opinion of the expert in digital entrepreneurship Denise Veiga. “The new professionals are at a stage in which he wants to administer your own business, your schedule and your wishes”.

Proof of this is a report released in July of this year called “Sage’s Walk With Me”, made with 7,400 18 to 34 year-old entrepreneurs, in 16 countries. The research analysed the characteristics and attitudes more common among entrepreneurs of generation Y, more commonly known as Millennials. The first result was that this audience is moved by the desire of independence, the belief in the “social good” and the commitment to the happiness of the employees. To 81% of Millennials from Brazil, provide a “social good” is especially important.

Another flag that is the professional of cooperatives and business professionals are increasingly specializing in areas and in conjunction with other professionals create a collaborative work. “Before the financial scenario we face today, the CLT is already something extremely out of date, the home office, talk works and freelances generate a warm-up in the economy of the country, since a site programmer for example, closes several contracts to produce just that demand that he specialized. “An example is when we’re looking for a specialist to create a website, it makes the project and you only pay for that project, without worrying about the bureaucracy of the LABOR CODE,” he said.

As the position of this new scenario, the expert shares the same opinion of Grinberg. “Unfortunately there is a delay of organizations for that matter, an example, are advertising agencies, that even though the fame of being and working in a more light, 70% are not included in this new reality. They’re seeing just now this new concept “. For her, companies need to fit as soon as possible and that there are already several applications, groups and communities that give opportunity to these professionals.

Yet on this generation, the psychologist Rogério Barros Tamilan finished saying the generation Z comes with the ability to be even faster than Generation Y – so looking forward too. Apparently all part of generation Y appears zoomed way in generation Z. “what appears to be quite different in this generation is that they need to be well, happy to do anything else, mainly work and produce,” he said. That is, start something different, this is a generation that has to be good to be able to produce and generate results. For this generation, welfare is critical to produce, as well as the alignment of the company’s values with your own values.

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