• 10/01/2020
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Learn more about the universe nerd and learn how they apply their passions in the workplace

Learn more about the universe nerd and learn how they apply their passions in the workplace - B2 Midia


Learn more about the universe nerd and learn how they apply their passions in the workplace

Father’s day, mother’s day … Why not geek pride day? As it is, may 25 day is celebrated the date to celebrate the first film of the classic “Star Wars”, 1977. Also known as the day of the towel, the date attracts worshipers of HQ, superheroes, pop culture and how they themselves say other “emotions”.  Already the term, has to do with the book of Douglas Adams ‘ the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy “. In the work the author says that the towel would be an indispensable item for a trip into space.

For Jessica Silva, 24 years, communications analyst – fascinated by Star Wars, with the advance of comic-inspired movies, games and books became fashionable to be nerd. The account analyst there are some levels of “geekiness”, the first is easy, those who follow the universe nerd, in various channels like youtube, movies, shops etc. Then we have the nerd, the person who already suffered at school, because I didn’t have a lot to talk about the new HQ of the Daredevil who bought – Jessica believes to be at that level. Already the Hard level, is involved in all fields from comics, games and technologies, which are the so-called geeks.

The programmer Assistant, Yuri Shah .18 years is the same as the popularity of being a nerd. “That’s good, because it will give the possibility of people discover more superheroes inspired by characters who are only known in comics,” he explained. Tall, slim, discreet clothes, glasses and a cool hair, Yuri makes up the classic nerd style. Even fans of props such as games, legendary Darth Vader helmets, Batman bed liner – who just left the room after an accident that tore the sheet, Captain America’s shield, mosaics on the wall of comics, for him, have “stuff” doesn’t make you a nerd, but know “things”.

Worshipper of Comics collected more than 300 titles, the same as were sold, to start a new collection, hardcover now. “My first comic was Spider-man, I had six years”. When asked about the geek pride day, Yuri says the idea is genius and play saying the date is provides for this. “Oh, I’d like to win the Mjölnir of Thor”.

When you ask someone: what is the top-of-the-line Intel processor? “Skylake family, of sixth generation. Provides the user with an extraordinary performance that surpasses expectations and may bring as an option the disposal of other hardware “. Know that he is a Geek fascinated by technology, this is Julio Bueno .19 years, future computer engineer.

One of the points of greatest consensus, however, is the interest in science fiction and medieval themes present in series Game of Thrones and The Tudors, plus pop culture in General. As Yuri, the marketing analyst Rodrigo James, said it’s important to know things in the world that this is a nerd and difference, he says that the interest of seeking knowledge is more acute and this facilitates interactivity at work. “Not that the nerds or geeks are different, but apart from the story of a film, for example, they study from the Director to the guy who edited the audio”.

When asking: you can be a nerd at work? The answer is: “of course”. In the case of the analyst, Jessica, in the week of the premiere of Star Wars she worked all week, wearing a t-shirt of the series in each day. “On the day of the premiere I took the mask of Darth Vader and everyone here in the press wanted to take a picture with her.” Yuri already he likes and study technology, his interest in the Affairs of the aid work. “I love the area and work with information technology, many of the things that I end up applying on my corporate routine”.

Celebrate geek pride day with b2, send a picture of your workstation and you can win a custom t-shirt. Sending e-mail is promocaonerd@b2.uwex.tec.br. Photos can be sent until the day 22. But attention as before send better, you will have more time to be voted.

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