• 09/01/2020
  • Comunicação, RH

Sorry for the inconvenience, we need to talk about volunteer work

Sorry for the inconvenience, we need to talk about volunteer work - B2 Midia


Volunteer work: the action goes beyond charity and adds value to the curriculum 

This year, Brazil hosted the Paralympic Games Rio 2016 games, the event is composed of athletes who have some type of disability. Everyone knows that an event like this needs a lot of people and dedication to actually be accomplished. Among so many people, there are volunteers. The areas that needed more volunteers were: sports area, press and communication, operational support, Protocol and languages, transport, public services, technology, health services, among others.

niyiThe photographer Niyi Fote, worked as a volunteer in the Guarulhos international airport for the Paralympic Games, and has the greatest difficulty was in the landing. “Athletes are wheelchair users, visually impaired, and physical and need much help to load the bags, mostly on landing and departure time. They are outside and when they arrived in Guarulhos, had to change my flight to rio. And we helped her carry her luggage from one terminal to another. For example, “says the photographer.

The volunteers also helped athletes during check-in, in the exchange of money and had to resolve sitniyiiuations like flight loss and excess luggage. But for the volunteer Niyi, help is a pleasure and with this experience she discovered the importance of overcoming. “This was the best experience of all and I learned a lot, met a lot of people, cultures, languages. This was my first volunteer and learned that even having a hard time in life, we must never give up on our dreams, “he declares.

A Datafolha Institute survey, commissioned by the ITA Social Foundation, points out that only 28% of Brazilians have already participated in some kind of volunteer work and that 11% are still participating in this initiative. In countries like China and Canada, about 55% and 50% of the population participates in volunteer work.

Focus on volunteer work can mean a lot when it comes to desktop. The developer is the Ambassador of the image of the Organization, so managers value the idea of volunteering and mostly who performs. Thinking about the values that this type of action adds in the company. The Administration and marketing Assistant, William Yamagami, volunteered for six years and realize that over time has undergone several experiences and took to the professional side. “Volunteer work can help you to live in a group, work as a team, you may have experiences that can happen in your day-by-day,” he says.

voluntario2There are numerous ways to help your fellow man, William is voluntary Coordinator in four events that occur every year in São Paulo, among them: the Chinese new year, the Japan festival, the Festival of cherry blossoms and the to-matsuri. Events are usually on the weekends and often the volunteer gave up his personal life to devote himself to the next. “Many families ask me why I commitment to helping others and say it’s silly and that work for free for the people. However, they don’t know how much it is gratifying to help “, she concludes.

Got interested?

Learn about events that provide help and make a difference in the lives of the next.

The hamburgada of the Well is a project of friends who distributes burgers, recreation and information in poor communities. To learn more visit: Hamburgada of good

To learn about events that need volunteers, short I volunteer page

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