• 09/01/2020
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Understand how does performance evaluation

Understand how does performance evaluation - B2 Midia


Performance assessment: know what it is, how to apply and the differences compared to the feedback

Performance evaluation is a way to manage people, aiming to analyze the individual performance or a group of employees. It is usually conducted by HR and other areas, which aims to measure the main results and the performance of a person in relation to a specific metrics and responsibilities function.

In some companies this evaluation measures the behavioral skills (more subjective), evaluates also targets (criterion objective) and there are those in which the result of evaluation is a mixture between these two criteria.

“I have seen that this process is getting upgrades. For many years we have seen it happen annually. Today, when we are in companies oriented to results, the evaluation of performance is being applied to 2, 3 to 4 times a year. The main purpose of these measurements with lower range between you is the ability to make corrections without having to wait a year for that. Companies cannot wait a year to verify that their employees were not aligned to what needed to be done, “explains Julia Pacheco, a psychologist, an expert in strategic management of People and an expert in leadership development.

For Rodrigo Morgan, a partner at Anewton Franchise Store franchise, the performance evaluation must be applied when the officer sees fit. “The ideal is to be made from the business cycles, monthly, semi-annually or annually where will measure the performance of an employee from measuring the results obtained in relation to your goals. There are many different formats such as: self assessment, 360-degree Assessment, skills or goals. She will provide managers with the ability to identify the potential for professional development of each employee, subsidizing career promotions, as an example, “says the expert.

Rodrigo Morgan, clarifies also that performance evaluation and feedback are different and complementary processes. “An organization that has a performance appraisal system implemented and that guides and encourages its managers to give feedback constantly, probably will get increased productivity of its employees by ensuring a better organizational climate,” he says.

For some experts, the feedback done once a month for example, no longer works. And claim that the doubts of employees arising from daily form, so the leader’s presence in daily life is essential to create and take questions. Example, is praising a time action that was executed.

“There is no sense in postponing an opportunity to congratulate or guide a collaborator. There are, however, some good tips to provide feedback efficiently. It must always be substantiated by facts, constructive, respectful and educational. Can be positive or negative, in this case, always with the intention of guidance and correction. And, ideally, to be given personally, “emphasizes Rodrigo Morgan.

Performance evaluation and feedback

Give feedback is to show to the developer which results from behavior that he’s having, as the leader are realizing their attitudes and how it can improve its performance. The feedback ends up being one of the final steps in the process of performance evaluation, but he should not be subject only to the formal evaluation process.

“On a day-by-day the leader must be attentive to the movements of their employees and offer feedback on time, at the moment when he realizes that the developer had non-assertive behavior and choices.  It is not recommended to accumulate lists of points to improve to dump all at once: the more specific and frequent is the feedback, higher chances of the developer to understand what needs to be adjusted. For example:
“Julia, I realized that this afternoon you didn’t deliver the reports needed to be sent to the client. Did something happen? How can you prevent this from happening again? “, explains Julia Pacheco.

Making an analogy with a GPS, the performance review Process is a final destination for the contributor that year and the feedback is “recalculating the route” at all times he takes a wrong turn. You can’t expect to go all year long to discover that arrived at the desired destination. The leader must offer constant feedback to the employee a go correcting their performance and adopting the proper way.

Therefore, both the performance assessment feedback are effective practices within the organization. What happens is that the leader must understand that the feedback is not conditional on any formal evaluation time, but yes, the day to day relationship. This is how the developer will be able to see your points of improvement and walk to stay aligned with what is expected of him.



Julia Pacheco is a psychologist, Expert in strategic management of People and an expert in leadership development. After 10 years working in the human resources Department of large organizations, she decided to use her knowledge to drive HR professionals to high performance in their careers.

Rodrigo Rafael Morgan_crédito Tavares-2409

Rodrigo Morgan is a partner in the Franchise store, Anewton Franchising. Solid experience in Franchising, management of franchised networks in medium, large and multinational companies. Experience in identifying market opportunities, preparation of Business Plan, structuring and implementation of new business models, prospecting, development and employment of strategic partners including investors; Experience in project management in M&A (mergers and acquisitions) in South America, conducting the mapping process targets companies, signatures of Confidencialidades terms, negotiation of memoranda of Understandings, hiring advisers, management due diligence, valuation, strategic, rational construction Business Plan and final recommendation for Presidency on the market, CEO in the region and steakholders in the array;

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