• 09/01/2020
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What makes a corporate communications agency?

What makes a corporate communications agency? - B2 Midia


The main focus of corporate communications agencies is to improve the communication of your customers and communicate clearly and objectively

Corporate communications agencies are responsible for picking up and assist the communication of internal public of large and medium-sized enterprises. That way, you can add value to the client’s brand, customer loyalty and engage employees and improve the company’s relationship with Stakeholders.  The Corporate Media has strategic value, insofar as it brings you competitive advantage. The main objectives assigned to it are to motivate, persuade and inform the public, internal and external to the organization.

The main focus of corporate communications agencies is to improve the communication of your customers and communicate clearly and objectively. The planning of the work of corporate communication starts with the analysis of the business environment. It’s like a business, diagnostics of enterprise culture, market positioning, reputation and image with respect to internal and external audiences. This mapping lets you know what is the perception of the company, to then define strategies in accordance with the goal of market positioning. For this to occur, you must map a brienfing with problems, solutions, strategies. And point professionals and tools to meet the needs of the client.

Usually the agencies rely on a team of journalists, publicists, designs, public relations to serve their customers effectively.  Communication agencies provide services as corporate Tv, digital Mural, electronic magazine, internal applications and journal newsletter.

In Brazil, the corporate communications began to be used around the years 50. But it was the ‘ 60 that in fact she was effective. The communication professional Antonio de Salvo began to visit the newsrooms of newspapers of São Paulo and persuaded editors to publish news on activities and products of the company where he worked.

3 forms of corporate communication:

Public information: the objective is to disseminate one-way messages, using tv corporate, newsletters, newspapers, among others. In this model, the company is not interested in collecting feedback.

  • Asymmetric bidirectional: the company opens a channel for collecting feedback, but skewed to the interests of the organization. For example, the company does research with the publics, but only to find out which are the best channels to send them messages.
  • Symmetric bidirectional: in this modern way, the company opens up the possibility of dialogue, devoting himself to interact and answer questions raised by their audiences.

Interest in the subject? The B2 Media offers solutions to facilitate and streamline internal communication of your company. We offer Corporate Tv services, Wall type, B2App. Click here and learn more.

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