Data Management Practices
As an organization, we recognize the importance of ensuring the privacy and security of the personal information of our customers, employees and partners.
In this sense, we are committed to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and have implemented a series of measures to ensure compliance with this legislation.
Our commitment is to provide data subjects with clear, concise and easily accessible information about how their personal data is collected, used, stored and shared. We guarantee transparency in our data processing practices, informing the specific purposes for which the data is used.
We collect and process personal data only for legitimate and specific purposes, previously informed to the holder. We do not use personal data for purposes other than those initially established without obtaining additional consent.
We adopt the principle of data minimization, collecting only the information necessary to fulfill the proposed purpose. We seek to restrict access to personal data only to authorized employees directly involved in providing the service or related activity.
We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee compliance with LGPD obligations in our organization. We constantly update our internal procedures, policies and practices to ensure ongoing compliance with data protection legislation.
Ensuring privacy and integrity in the handling of personal information
We seek to obtain the express consent of data subjects before processing their personal information, except in cases where the LGPD allows collection without consent in legitimate situations, such as compliance with legal or contractual obligations.
Ao acessar e utilizar o site e os serviços, disponibilizados pela B2 Mídia, pessoa jurídica de direito privado, inscrita no CNPJ nº 11.749.368/0001-73, sediada na Rua João Gonçalves, 484, Guarulhos-SP, você concorda com estes Termos de Uso.
O compromisso com a proteção e privacidade de seus clientes, fornecedores e usuário é prioridade e, diante disso, elaboramos essa política de privacidade para assegurar a conformidade com todas as disposições legais vigentes relacionadas à proteção de dados pessoais, incluindo a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD).
Security measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, loss, disclosure, alteration or accidental or unlawful destruction. We regularly update our security procedures to adapt to best market practices.
We recognize and respect the rights of data subjects, as established by the LGPD. We guarantee access, rectification, deletion and portability of data, whenever applicable, and promptly respond to holders' requests regarding their personal data.
We invest in training our employees so that they are aware of the implications of the LGPD and the importance of protecting personal data. We seek to foster a culture of respect for privacy and information security throughout the company.
We demand the same level of commitment to protecting personal data from our partners and suppliers. By working together, we ensure that personal data is treated in accordance with LGPD standards.
We are committed to carrying out regular reviews of our data processing processes and practices in order to continually improve our compliance with the LGPD and ensure maximum protection for the privacy of data subjects.
In this commitment to the LGPD, we reinforce our respect for individual rights and our responsibility as holders of personal information. We are committed to promoting a culture of data protection, ensuring the privacy and security of information at all stages of our relationship with data subjects.