• 13/10/2023
  • Application, Communication, Internal Communication, Corporate TV

Blue November in the company | Tips and free animation

Novembro Azul na empresa | Dicas e animação gratuita - B2 Midia

The Blue November campaign is a global movement to raise awareness about men's health, focusing on the prevention and early diagnosis of prostate cancer. As well as the Pink October addresses breast cancer, Blue November aims to raise awareness about the risks of prostate cancer, as well as other health issues that affect men.

Check out this article on how to prepare a Blue November campaign using Corporate TV and the Corporate App.

In 2011, the Side by Side for Life Institute started the 'Blue November' campaign with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of early diagnosis of prostate cancer, the most common among Brazilian men after skin cancer.

According to data from INCA (National Cancer Institute), 68,220 new cases of prostate cancer and around 15 thousand deaths/year were diagnosed as a result of the disease in Brazil, for each year of the 2018/2019 biennium, which represents 42 men dying per day due to the disease and approximately 3 million living with it.

The importance of addressing this topic in the company

By addressing Blue November in internal communications, you will be playing a crucial role in promoting the health and well-being of all employees. Raising awareness about prostate cancer and other issues related to men's health is a fundamental step towards saving lives. Furthermore, by talking about Blue November, you will be demonstrating commitment to the health and care of employees. This creates a healthier and more supportive work environment.

Corporate TV and the Corporate App as internal communication channels in Blue November

Use communication channels Corporate TV It is Corporate App is an excellent option for Blue November actions because they allow you to reach employees in a comprehensive and effective way, providing important information about men's health in an accessible and engaging way. The combination of these tools offers the opportunity to transmit educational messages, promote awareness and encourage employee participation, thus contributing to the promotion of health and well-being within the organization.

With this in mind, we created 4 action tips using the Corporate TV and the Corporate App in addition to a complimentary animation on the topic that can be downloaded for free using the form below, check it out:

1. Information about prostate cancer prevention on Corporate TV:

  • Use the Corporate TV to disseminate important information about prostate cancer prevention, such as the importance of regular exams and risk factors.
  • Include complimentary animation in content to make information visually attractive and engaging.

2. Sending exam reminders through the Corporate App:

  • Through Corporate App, send personalized reminders to employees to schedule prostate exams and medical check-ups.
  • Promote courtesy animation as an additional resource to encourage employees to act proactively regarding their health.

3. Interviews with healthcare professionals on Corporate TV:

  • Produce interviews with doctors or men's health experts and display these interviews on Corporate TV.
  • During the interviews, discuss topics related to men's health, such as prostate cancer prevention, and highlight the importance of preventive exams.

4. Discussion forum on the Corporate App:

  • Create a discussion forum on Corporate App, where employees can share their experiences, ask questions and discuss issues related to men's health.
  • Encourage employee participation in the discussion, and promote complimentary animation as a source of additional information available in the application.

In conclusion, the Blue November campaign is a fundamental initiative to raise awareness among employees about the importance of men's health and the prevention of prostate cancer. The use of Corporate TV It's from Corporate App as internal communication tools it offers an effective way to disseminate vital information.

If you don't already have one Corporate TV (Digital Mural) or a Corporate App in your company, or if you already have one, but want to know our differences, contact us right now and come and be part of the group of most satisfied customers in Brazil!

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