• 08/08/2019
  • Application, Communication, Corporate, HR

Multitasking Professional

Profissional Multitarefa - B2 Midia

Performing several tasks at the same time generates a positive result at the end of the day?! Are you multitasking?

Over the years, professionals began to develop several skills at the same time.

This profile is called multitasking, who have the ability (and like) to do more than one task at the same time and switch between them quickly.

When the subject of multitasking comes up, many opinions arise on the topic. For some, these employees are seen as productive, engaged and attentive, for others, multitasking is not synonymous with productivity.

For Paulo Aziz Nader, consultant in the organizational development sector of executive programs, leadership and talent management, dealing with several activities at the same time can be very exhausting and this wear and tear may not be identified, which leads employees to make mistakes without noticing.

The specialist also says that it is necessary to be aware of unnecessary tasks or undue increase in activities. At these times, managers must also help teams correctly prioritize their actions. “For this, it is very important to know how to identify your own emotions, intentions and behaviors. Furthermore, it is important to understand and manage the collective emotions that emerge within the team, thus helping to maintain an efficient and productive relationship between its members”, he says.

Organize your day

It is a fact that some professions end up being multitasking by nature and the possibility of working in a home office style contributes to this versatility.

Ideally, the professional should begin their tasks as they arise:

  • Classify your activities into urgent and non-urgent and prioritize. The Pomodoro Technique (it is a time management method, in practice, the Pomodoro Technique consists of working in blocks of time with a 5-minute break for each completed task), indicates that every 25 minutes you should change tasks and write down the that it has already produced.
  • You can split every 25 minutes between tasks or switch tasks every 25 minutes. This way, you force yourself to race against the timer and still analyze your productivity.

“Working more assertively is essential for maintaining productivity, avoiding unnecessary tasks. However, moments of relaxation should not be forgotten: they are what recharge our batteries to keep productivity high”, he concludes.

Multitasking professionals often work overtime, which is not always a good thing either. We made an animation about it, have you seen it? Check it out below and download it for free HERE.


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