Happens in 13 days, 14:15 the 20th Edition of the annual Congress of internal communication. Will be three days, with more than 20 speakers, 10 case studies and more than one hundred managers and specialists in communication with internal stakeholders, which will deal with issues related to the world of corporate communications. The meeting place will be at the hotel Maksoud Plaza, in São Paulo.
“For the B2 participation and Media sponsorship of the event is an opportunity to be even closer to our customers, increase our relationship, in addition to better understand their real needs to offer more customized solutions,” said Franklin Lay one of the founders of B2.
One of the points raised at the event will be about the time of the economic crisis the country faces, and even topics such as:
- Innovation for Confronting the crisis
- Internal communication for different groups
- Measuring results of the Campaigns area
- Social media and internal communication
- Communication to overcome Conflicts
About the Congress
According to the site one of the biggest challenges of internal communication today is precisely to meet the new demands, without losing sight of the search for concrete results for the business.
In addition, the goal of the Congress of 2016 will be dealing with strategies and best practices of internal communication are bringing real benefits and strategic differentiators for business.
Want to participate? By B2, you get 30% discount on the link
20th annual Congress of internal communication
20° annual Congress of internal communication
Days, 13.14 and 15 at the Hotel Maksoud Plaza-Sao Paulo.
Address: address: Alameda Campinas, 150-Bela Vista, São Paulo-SP, 01404-900
Website: http://www.informagroup.com.br/comunicacaointerna/pt