• 12/04/2022
  • Leadership, HR

4 characteristics of a motivated team


Keeping the team motivated is a daily task for leaders and essential for the company's success. 

Having doubts about HOW to motivate collaborators it is very common. The important thing when defining and being assertive is get to know the people on your team and really know what would please them and what is within their reach. Although money is very important to people, many prefer a motivation that evokes emotion. You can ask your team how they would like to be motivated/recognized, or what cool things they have seen in other companies they have worked for.

But be careful: it is important to adopt practices that They will really motivate and not just give employees a temporary boost.

Here's a #tip: one way to motivate and empower at the same time is to help with the costs of a course. Paying financially for a course is not an expense but an investment, as the content can help in the corporate environment. There are countless ways to motivate the team, the important thing is to know what will actually impact the employee's life and leave them motivated to perform an excellent job.


And now let's go! See 4 characteristics of motivated teams:




They have a team spirit, are committed and seek to participate in all company actions, internal or external. They do their work and support other areas.




4 características de uma equipe motivada - B2 Midia

They bring responsibility to themselves and like to take on the company's projects. The “ownership spirit” is clear.




4 características de uma equipe motivada - B2 Midia
Motivation is directly linked to creativity and innovation. A motivated team always looks for ways to overcome an already positive result or overcome a bad situation.




4 características de uma equipe motivada - B2 Midia
Motivated people like to comment on what they are doing, the company's history and what it has achieved. They talk to suppliers, friends and family.


Now analyze your team, do they have characteristics like these or similar? See where your company can improve (it's always possible to improve) and roll up your sleeves.

Download our motivation animation here and share it on your communication channels. 

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