• 27/09/2022
  • Corporate

Visual management: understand!

Mulher explicando o que é comunicação interna

Have you ever heard about visual management? This methodology aims to make the performance indicators and collective and individual results of a team/company clearer and, suggestively, visible. In other words, the idea is to make the status of each demand visible to everyone.


This management practice, if well used, planned and with the right tools, will increase the efficiency of your team. Think: for employees who are early or on time, motivation will be guaranteed, on the other hand, for those who are late, it will serve as an alert to something that is not as expected, and so they will be able to find ways to make up for the loss.


However, this is not the only advantage that this management allows, check it out: 

Gestão visual: entenda! - B2 Midia

  • Monitoring the progress of a demand in an almost synchronous manner;

Gestão visual: entenda! - B2 Midia

  • Information is presented in a more democratic, agile and dynamic way;

Gestão visual: entenda! - B2 Midia

  • The use of strategies to achieve results becomes essential;

Gestão visual: entenda! - B2 Midia

  • The organization becomes part of the company culture;

Gestão visual: entenda! - B2 Midia

  • Easier to detect instabilities;

Gestão visual: entenda! - B2 Midia

  • More alignment and cooperation within the team itself;


And there? Are you convinced?


There are several ways this management can be implemented in a corporate environment.

Here at B2, one of our visible management dashboards comes from an integration that will leave you shaken: O Trello. For those who don't know, Trello is a very famous global tool that serves as a multidisciplinary manager of activities and demands and when integrated into our system, it gains visibility for all employees almost in  real time, about the deadline for each ongoing activity.

You can create a card for each team/demand, and your progress will be visible to everyone. The best part is that it's just one of the different possibilities of our platform, but that is a topic for other articles here on the blog.

See an example of our dashboards:

Gestão visual: entenda! - B2 Midia


Did you see how simple it is to have visual management in your company, with B2 Mídia?

If you want to increase the efficiency of your team, try it for free right now!

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