• 03/05/2022
  • Internal Communication, Corporate

The importance of teamwork

trabalho em equipe

Encouraging teamwork can positively impact a company's results.

One of the main skills required in the corporate market is the ability to work in a team. Speaking like this, it may seem easy, but on a daily basis, some difficulties may arise for all professionals in different areas. But, imagine that the company is a big clock and that each piece has an important job so that the gear works perfectly.

Thinking this way, we understand that teamwork is not something we can ignore, having a united and productive team is essential to achieve results and achieve success.

Understanding that each employee has different specialties, points of view and experiences is the first step to realizing that each one has an important role and can contribute in the best possible way to the business objective, because different ways of working add even more to ideas. and decisions, making the company see different angles.

To have a team that works, inside or outside the company, such as professionals who work from home, it is necessary to leave aside some attitudes, see some of them:


trabalho em equipeBe inflexible: In addition to compromising the health of the work environment, not respecting or accepting different opinions can cause discomfort and conflict between employees, the ideal is to listen and consider all sides.




teamworkNot having communication: Communication is crucial For the development of work, not communicating brings a feeling of discomfort and affects the relationship between employees. Having “loose” internal communication and encouraging the exchange of information between people is the right path.




trabalho em equipeNot being collaborative: Making decisions and trying to solve problems alone is a very detrimental attitude to teamwork. A collaborative culture mainly advocates everyone’s participation and contribution.




trabalho em equipeSpirit of friendship: An environment that provides a friendly atmosphere can have very satisfactory results with its employees. Therefore, encourage and cultivate these relationships, they will make employees feel more comfortable and motivated, as they are part of a friendly and empathetic team.




Not to mention that, according to the lifting skills 360°, developed by PageGroup, in Brazil, the most valued behavioral skills they are:

A importância do trabalho em equipe - B2 Midia

And what can I do to enhance my team’s teamwork?

Well, the first step is to identify whether there are some of the characteristics mentioned above present among employees, and create ways to eliminate them. This can be done through actions, internal communication, dynamics, among other activities.

An important pillar for the success of a team is to have a attentive leadership, who knows how to delegate, divide tasks according to skills, who understands how to manage these people and get the best from each employee, always encouraging healthy communication between them, so that trust and empathy can be developed, as this adds a lot to the organizational climate, making the work environment more motivating and consequently more productive, and we know that motivation can be the best source of ideas for solving problems.

Remember that feedback is very important and should not be missed, it will show the team its points for improvement and successes and which direction they should go, in addition to contributing to everyone's self-confidence.

Put these tips into practice and understand how teamwork can completely change a company's routine and results.

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