• 26/04/2022
  • HR and Communication

Reasons to have a career plan in your company

Motivos para ter um plano de carreira na sua empresa - B2 Midia

Gradually, employees are looking for qualitative benefits instead of just quantitative ones. The employee profile has changed, and the search for companies that offer a career plan is increasing. 

The career plan is an alignment of a company's needs and interests, with the employee's expectations. Its objective is to attract, train and retain good professionals. 

Check out the advantages and how to apply them to your company!

What are the advantages? 

The career plan is essential to add value to the company and keep teams stimulated and productive.  In addition to increasing competitiveness, attracting more and more qualified people. With that in mind, we list the benefits of having a plan in your company: 


Motivos para ter um plano de carreira na sua empresa - B2 MidiaReduce turnover: A well-established plan helps reduce turnover of employees, since given the possibility of promotions, they tend to remain in the company in search of better positions. 


Motivos para ter um plano de carreira na sua empresa - B2 MidiaRetains talent: people need to have their skills valued by the company. If this does not happen, they migrate to organizations where this happens. 


Motivos para ter um plano de carreira na sua empresa - B2 MidiaIncreases employee satisfaction and motivation: The moment the professional realizes that he has a real possibility of progressing in his work, he will certainly become more motivated to continue to achieve your goal and evolve in your career.

3 practical steps to apply the career plan

Motivos para ter um plano de carreira na sua empresa - B2 MidiaPromote knowledge: in addition to technical courses, offer behavioral and institutional training. This way, employees stay up to date with the culture and evolve particularly. 


Motivos para ter um plano de carreira na sua empresa - B2 MidiaHave achievable goals: To have a good career plan, the goals need to be very clear and the way to achieve them as well. Describe the characteristics required to perform each position.


Motivos para ter um plano de carreira na sua empresa - B2 MidiaHave the company's interests aligned with those of employees: This step must be taken to ensure that the planning produces results for both sides. Therefore, do research to find out each individual's perspectives and long- and short-term goals. 


Therefore, offering a career plan is the best way to guarantee employees a good experience, train qualified professionals and even improve your employer branding.


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