• 06/04/2021
  • Corporate

How to manage your home office routine?

Rotina em Home office

7 tips to improve activity management.


The COVID-19 pandemic forced the market to accelerate a trend that is here to stay, the home office. Many companies and employees were forced to adapt quickly and face the challenges of this new working model.

According to research carried out by the Administration Institute Foundation (FIA) in 2020, during the scenario pandemic there was a growth in 46% in the home office. The issue is that organizations did not have enough time to plan this transition and 67% of companies experienced difficulties in implementing teleworking.

A year has passed, the initial obstacles have been overcome and the home office guaranteed your place post pandemic. Several organizations chose to continue in this format, based on the results obtained by their employees. According to a study released by Catho, there was a significant increase in productivity among professionals who are working from home. For 72% the impacts are positive, while for 24.5% they are neutral.

The fact is whether you are in the office or at home, work is always work and the home office is the future. This means that it has never been more necessary to learn about routine management, aiming to maintain productivity and preserve mental health.

For this reason, B2 has prepared some tips for you to put into practice today! Check out.


  1. Set aside a suitable spaceComo gerenciar a rotina em home office? - B2 Midia

You may have already seen people post photos on social media about their “home office corner”. That's right! No working from the couch, as to be productive some formalities need to be maintained, aiming to provide ambience and create this new habit. For this it is not necessary to have a mega office, just choose a quiet room, comfortable furniture (ergonomy is super important) and be organized! Oh, we don't even need to talk about the pajamas, right?


  1. Develop a routineComo gerenciar a rotina em home office? - B2 Midia

Repeat after me: Discipline! It is essential for maintaining your goals and for your mental health. After all, you wouldn't want to spend all night working. Determine times for the beginning and end of work and breaks, such as lunch, for example.


  1. Make a to-do listComo gerenciar a rotina em home office? - B2 Midia

Don't throw your diary in the trash! It can be online or the good old paper diary, there is no successful home office without PLANNING. Make a to-do list, set priorities and write down the deadline of each demand. Starting the day with the most important activity is a good idea.


  1. Avoid distractionsComo gerenciar a rotina em home office? - B2 Midia

Time to break ties with television and everything capable of taking your attention. How about keeping your cell phone out of sight? If you have family around, set limits to avoid interruptions. Attitudes like these will optimize your time.


  1. Use technologyRotina em Home office

Whether it’s holding an online meeting or signing a document digitally, technology can make tasks easier. Don't be resistant. Being flexible and adaptable to new technologies is an asset for the 21st century professional.


  1. Stay informedRotina em Home office

Even at home, it is important to know what happens in the company. Alienating yourself is not an option. Access company news, participate in activities, meet your co-workers! Here at B2 we use the Worksphere, our corporate application, to stay up to date.


  1. Have moments of relaxationComo gerenciar a rotina em home office? - B2 Midia

No one is made of iron, right? Take breaks to breathe, stretch. Exchanging a message with a co-worker can also be a good option to relieve pressure and generate energy to continue the journey.

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