• 23/08/2022
  • HR and Communication

Learn more about boreout syndrome

síndrome de boreout

Meet boredom at work

Do you know boreout syndrome? “Everything that is too much is in excess, and everything that is too little is missing.” Indeed, balance is fundamental. O boreout is exactly the opposite of burnout, what is caused by excessive workloads, stress and exhaustion.

The syndrome of boreout, which is also known as boredom (from the English “boring”) at work, deals with apathy and profound demotivation, caused by the lack of professional perspective. You create high expectations for a vacancy, dream about the career you will build within the company and suddenly frustration arrives. He always finishes his tasks ahead of schedule and does not feel challenged or recognized in his role. Their capabilities are underutilized, the feeling of sadness is continually established and begins to affect other areas of life, bringing consequences for mental health and physics.

Saiba mais sobre a síndrome de boreout - B2 Midia

Source: https://www.istoedinheiro.com.br/tedio-no-trabalho-tambem-afeta-a-saude-conheca-a-sindrome-de-boreout/

   Red alert! The syndrome of boreout, can affect both professionals with several years of career and those who have just arrived at the organization and had their expectations disappointed. It is worth taking into consideration that companies that do not promote professional development, have a toxic organizational culture, no space for dialogue and difficult hierarchical relationships become favorable environments.

If you have identified or remembered a colleague who presents all or a large number of these symptoms, it is time to seek professional help and get a medical opinion on the matter. If the answer is no, it is still important to remain vigilant so as not to get sick and to prevent others from getting sick. Shall we find out more about the subject?


síndrome de boreoutOrigin

            the term boreout It appears for the first time in mid-2007, in a book written by Swiss Peter Werder and Philippe Rothlin, and the numbers of this syndrome have been increasing over the years. According to a study carried out by Gallup Poll, with 200,000 Americans,  51% of those interviewed revealed that they suffer from boredom or are not engaged in their work.

síndrome de boreoutWhat to do?

To help prevent and combat boreout, we have separated five strategies published by Forbes, for you to put into practice in your company:


Saiba mais sobre a síndrome de boreout - B2 MidiaIdentify talents – Before opening a selection process, why not make the vacancy available internally? PROMOTE DREAMS, EMPOWER PEOPLE. Value the silver in your home. This is a great strategy for motivating employees and retaining hidden talents.


Saiba mais sobre a síndrome de boreout - B2 MidiaSet career goals – The essential and often neglected dialogue. A frank and sincere conversation about the team's professional aspirations, short, medium and long-term objectives can be advantageous for the company and bring employee engagement.


Saiba mais sobre a síndrome de boreout - B2 MidiaCovers results – Challenges move people. It is important to manage tasks and collect deliveries. Measuring results and giving feedback to the team allows continuous improvement in a two-way street.


Saiba mais sobre a síndrome de boreout - B2 MidiaStimulate reflection – CI team, how about getting your hands dirty? We will promote awareness campaigns through CI channels such as TV and Corporate APP, organize conversation circles about mental health, open space for employee voice. Have you ever thought about providing psychological care online, for example?


Saiba mais sobre a síndrome de boreout - B2 MidiaGive space for experimentation – Autonomy. Give professionals the chance to try, so great ideas can emerge. Make it clear that we are human and can make mistakes. There is no downside to this, the important thing is to get up and try again.

Mental and physical health is FUNDAMENTAL.  

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