• 09/12/2021
  • Application, Communication, HR

The advantages of using an application in Internal Communication

As vantagens de usar um aplicativo na Comunicação Interna

Benefits of the Corporate APP

Almost all employees have a smartphone, applications are the chance to innovate, interact and speed up communication with employees.

One of the advantages of implementing the use of APP in the company is real-time communication, internal communication You can disseminate content and reach a number of people instead of just distributing information via email, which often sits in the inbox, for example. Employees can send photos, videos and even content that may be relevant to the company. With commemorative dates approaching, some companies, for example, implement actions to publicize photos of employees and family members. The application is a quick and dynamic way to send these photos.

Communication and Marketing Manager, Daniela Lima, says that employees at the company Flexform began to receive constant news after the implementation of the APP in the company. “It made our communication channel much more attractive to our internal audience, because people now have constant news, so they go to the information”, account.

We list the main advantages of having the corporate app in your company:

Speed in content delivery: According to the Annual Survey of Administration and Use of Information Technology in Companies, carried out by Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo (FGV-SP) and released in April 2019, Brazil has 230 million smartphones active. Furthermore, another survey carried out by Nokia states that cell phone users tend to look at their cell phone approximately 150 times a day. Therefore, with the corporate app, communication is more agile.

Content segmentation: news can be published for a specific audience, a company is separated by different sectors. It is possible that only one of them will receive videos, quizzes, campaigns, among others. It is also possible to send notifications whenever new information is entered.

Measuring results: through applications it is possible to measure employee interaction, such as the number of employees who liked, commented and viewed publications.

Mobility: This is another feature that the app offers, as it allows people to be reached anywhere, including those who are working remotely.

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