• 09/09/2021
  • Communication, Internal Communication, HR

Advantages x Disadvantages of Home Office

vantagens e desvantagens do home office

Check out the advantages and disadvantages of working from home


The home office is “on” with several advantages and disadvantages and continues to win over thousands of professionals. The movement that was accelerated due to Covid-19 revolutionized the job market, from online selection processes to virtual happy hours.

According to the Institute of Research and Applied Economics (Ipea), 11% of Brazilians adopted teleworking from May to November 2020, reaching the mark of 8.2 million Brazilians compared to 3.8 million who already adopted remote working in 2018, causing an increase of more than 100% of workers in the modality.

Still according to the lifting, professionals with higher education (74%), white people (65.6%) and women (56%) were the majority in this work regime. Furthermore, the future of home office seems to be very promising, as the growth perspective is 30% post pandemic, say experts.

But the truth is that when it comes to the return of in-person activities, opinions are very divided. There are those who prefer to remain at home, and also those who are counting down the days until they can resume conversations in the hallway and coffee with colleagues. And to help you decide who wins this dispute, we at B2 We have prepared a list of the main advantages and disadvantages of working from home. Let's check it out?



vantagens e desvantagens


vantagens e desvantagens Convenience

One of the undisputed benefits of teleworking is comfort. It's the perfect opportunity to say goodbye to crowded public transport and endless hours in rush hour traffic.


vantagens e desvantagens Flexibility

Have you ever thought about working from anywhere and even keeping a schedule tailored to your needs? At the home office, it's possible.


vantagens e desvantagens Free time

They say time is money, but time is also happiness. With organization and discipline, working remotely can bring more time available to continue reading that dusty book, or that abandoned course.


vantagens e desvantagens Quality of life

If you're the type of person who would give anything for ten more minutes a day with your family, working from home scores 1,000 points at once! With this ally, it is possible to have more family meals and monitor children's growth more closely.


vantagens e desvantagens Cost reduction

Are we talking to a manager on the other side of the screen? Then this tip is for you! Teleworking allows great savings for the organization and increased productivity for those teams that feel motivated working remotely.



Vantagens x Desvantagens do Home Office - B2 Midia



Vantagens x Desvantagens do Home Office - B2 MidiaExcess of work

The key to success in a home office is planning, rest assured: if it fails, the ship will easily lose its way, generating a backlog of work and sleepless nights.


Vantagens x Desvantagens do Home Office - B2 MidiaSocial isolation

If you live alone, working remotely can be lonely. Although we can use technology as an ally, human contact may be missed.


Vantagens x Desvantagens do Home Office - B2 MidiaDistractions

The biggest challenge. Children playing, family talking, television on and a cozy sofa. Overcoming distractions when working from home can be a difficult task.


Vantagens x Desvantagens do Home Office - B2 MidiaInadequate environment

The lack of ergonomics can become a problem. Having a suitable work environment, with comfortable furniture, is essential.


Vantagens x Desvantagens do Home Office - B2 MidiaHard communication

For you, manager: if your company is not very adept at new communication and technology solutions, it will be impossible to implement the work, maintain cultural fit and the feeling of belonging. But calm down! B2 can help with this! How about trying the Worksphere, our Corporate App?

It is important to remember that some of these inconveniences can be resolved with planning and organization. But then, in your opinion, does a home office suit your style?


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