• 09/08/2022
  • Communication, HR

Intern day: find out the expectations of this professional

Dia do estagiário


 Intern day: understand what this professional is looking for within the company

On intern day, many considerations are made about future graduates, what many people don't know is that today this professional values learning more than being hired.

Carrying out an internship is the most important stage in a professional's life, it is the opportunity to put into practice everything that was understood in the classroom. The intern is no longer the one looking for “coffee”, future graduates want to learn, grow and achieve more and more professional success.

“I believe that during the course there are many opportunities to validate your professional choice, but there is no doubt that during the internship period you ratify and even manage to deal with the elaboration of your life project with more clarity”, explains Rosana Chaves, Consultant at Moving Consultancy.
In addition to knowledge, the internship is also the opportunity to enter the job market and have the possibility of specializing in the dreamed profession, previously the search was for permanent employment and stability. Today, young people prioritize experience and learning.

“I believe that the intern seeks to gain experience, practical learning. He understands the reality of a company's challenges, so hiring became a possibility and no longer the main objective for completing an internship”, says Rosana Chaves.

For our intern, Júnior Sampaio, the internship is an opportunity to learn, work and gain the knowledge of executing the chosen area on a daily basis. “The internship is also an opportunity for self-knowledge and being hired is not always the most important thing, the best thing is to grow professionally”, he says.

The consultant emphasizes that whether you are an intern or an employee determines the type of engagement. “The intern engages for the opportunity to learn, to realize that their knowledge is being measured, to adapt to that new and very different academic environment and as a reward to be hired”, he concludes.

Companies also need to be careful not to lose future talent and to do this it is necessary to create a development plan within corporations that meets the appropriate functions of the student's professional profile. “The intern requires attention, requires guidance, requires a development plan. The company must have a clear objective for the intern so that they can actually complete the proposed program”, he concludes.


Rosana Chaves is Managing Partner of Moving Consultoria; Business Administrator and Coach; MBA in Commercial Management – FGV-RJ; MBA in Business Marketing – UFF-RJ; Certified in Executive Coach and Alpha Coach – SBC/SP; Personal & Professional Coach – SBC/RJ; Professional DISC certified – SLC/SP.


Intern's Day

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