• 05/07/2022
  • Corporate, Leadership

Leadership that knows how to communicate guarantees better results

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According to research by The Economist Intelligence Unit, more than 50% of professionals lose hours of work to solve problems caused by communication failures. Data that directly impacts a company’s results. Also according to the results of an applied questionnaire, Micheli Franzoni de Loyola, graduated in Administration from FAE University Center, concluded that:

Liderança que sabe comunicar garante resultados melhores - B2 Midia

These studies are further proof of the importance of good communication to the employee productivity. What about your company? Are your company's leaders aware of this? And their role in actions and strategies in the area of internal communication?

We spoke with Lucas Silveira, former sales director at Red Bull and founder of Inception Training (training and lecture company). For him it is through emotion, reason and goals that we managed to bring CI leadership closer together, see their justification:

Liderança que sabe comunicar garante resultados melhores - B2 Midia
Neuroscience has already proven that the decision-making process necessarily passes through our emotional system. Antônio Damásio, famous Portuguese neuroscientist, explains all the details in a wonderful book called Descartes' Error. Therefore, all known persuasion and negotiation processes contain a great deal of emotion along with reason. Therefore, I imagine that using emotion in the leadership persuasion process in this case is a good way. Storytelling, persuasive models, videos, emotional awareness and interpersonal contact can be some of the tools used.
Liderança que sabe comunicar garante resultados melhores - B2 Midia
Together with the emotion, the rational system, led by our neocortex, also plays a fundamental role in our lives. A great tip is to use short and simple information to help with the persuasion process. Nobody wants to read a 100-page survey, but people are very open to being influenced by simple insights that drive short, quick actions. Insights that prove the benefits of having leadership close to the communication process can be very influential.
Liderança que sabe comunicar garante resultados melhores - B2 Midia
As Tony Robbins said, human beings are driven by evolution. Improvement is within our DNA, and we always want to do more and better. Within this scenario, having goals is essential to speed up the process. A great tip here is to make goals SMART. In Portuguese, there are 5 attributes: Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Well-established and managed goals can bring the necessary commitment to leadership.
Lucas also commented on the model of Leadership Anthropological (developed by Inception Training):
Liderança que sabe comunicar garante resultados melhores - B2 Midia
Did you write down the tips? Bring leadership closer, involve them in CI and guarantee better results for your company through a efficient communication.

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